
“By lecturing on wine and chemistry, conducting tastings and visiting top producers, I share and explore the joy of wine”

Appointed buyer for Winebee at Le Printemps des Champagnes



"My name is Jan Olof Svensson and I am devoted to wine and gastronomy.

Since my background is in the field of chemistry, I also put this aspect on my beverage interest and use my scientist approach in combination with an interest of culture and arts to try to dig a bit deeeper into the different aspects of wine making and - tasting"

With a PhD in physical-organic chemistry and having worked as an analytical chemist whithin pharma industry for 20+ years, I must admit that my wine intersest is somewhat influenced by my scientific backround.

I tend to approach new wine styles from the analytical angle; trying to understand the interplay between terroir, grape selection, viticulture and vinification in order to get under the skin of the product, producer and region. 

Over the years, I have made many trips to wine groing regions, mainly in France both also around the globe.

I have also taken several academic coarses on wine.

Since ten years, I am lecturing on Wine and chemistry on a course in Natural products at Kristianstad University, a very stimulating and rewarding opportunity. 

My Academic studies on wine:

Gothenburg university

Geology; The Geology of Viticulture and Climate. Basic Oenology

Örebro University, Faculty of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science

Meal Science and Culinary Arts A, Beverage science 1

Meal Science and Culinary Arts B, Wines and Spirits of the world 1-2

Södertörn University

Wine; development, history, economy, chemistry and biology

Science of Beverage (spirit)

Wine and Spirit Education Trust

WSET Award in Wine and Spirit (Level 3)

Theory: "Passed with merit", Practice: "Passed with distinction"

Munskänkarna; ”Cupbearer society”

Grade 2

Ongoing studies

Södertörn University

Sensory science – knowledge of our senses

Kristianstad University

Food microbiology

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